Tagged: Cobalt Strike

Kerberos abuse

Kerbeus-BOF: Beacon Object Files for Kerberos abuse

Kerbeus-BOF Beacon Object Files for Kerberos abuse. This is an implementation of some important features of the Rubeus project, written in C. The project features integration with the C2 frameworks Cobalt Strike and Havoc. Download git clone https://github.com/RalfHacker/Kerbeus-BOF.git Use...

trojanized Notepad++

Chinese Users Targeted: Notepad++ Search Results Poisoned

In recent research, it was revealed that Chinese users seeking official versions of software like Notepad++ and VNote through search engines such as Baidu are increasingly falling victim to cunning cybercriminals. The attacks are...

Bumblebee malware

Cybersecurity Alert: Bumblebee Malware Resurfaces

After a four-month hiatus, the Bumblebee malware has reemerged, launching extensive phishing campaigns against thousands of organizations within the United States. Bumblebee, a loader discovered in April 2022, is believed to have been developed by...