Symfony 4.0.0 beta1 release, full stack PHP web framework
Symfony has released the new beta version of the new 4.0.0, Symfony is an MVC-based object-oriented PHP Web framework. Based on the best Web development practice, there are already a number of sites that have been fully developed using this framework. The purpose of symfony is to accelerate the creation and maintenance of Web applications.
Version 4.0 brings a lot of new features, please refer to the release notes for the full content.
- Adding a new debug:autowiring command
- [HttpFoundation] Make sessions secure and lazy
- [Form] [TwigBridge] Added option to disable usage of default themes when rendering a form
- [OptionsResolver] Support array of types in allowed type
- added ability to handle parent classes for PropertyNormalizer
- [HttpKernel] implement reset() in DumpDataCollector
- [Console][HttpKernel] Handle new SHELL_VERBOSITY env var, also configures the default logger
- [MonologBridge][EventDispatcher][HttpKernel] remove deprecated features
- [FORM] Prevent forms from extending itself as a parent
- [DI] Throw accurate failures when accessing removed services
- [Form] Display option definition from a given form type
- ……