Septor Linux 2022 releases: Linux distribution focusing on anonymity and privacy

Septor Linux is a operating system that provides users with a perfect computing environment for surfing the Internet anonymously. It providing users with a stable and reliable distribution that is based on Debian GNU/Linux and works on a wide range of computers. Distribution featuring a customised KDE Plasma deskop and Tor technologies.

Septor Linux 2022 has been released recently.


Tor Browser, OnionShare (an anonymous file sharing utility) and qTox (an instant messaging client built on a “privacy goes first” agenda). Thunderbird, HexChat and QuiteRSS are all pre-configured to connect to the Internet via the Tor network. The distribution can be used in “live” mode or it can be installed to hard disk via the standard Debian installer.

Core desktop and applications
Linux Kernel 5.10.0-10
Plasma 5.20.5
KDE Applications 20.12.2
Tor Browser 11.0.3, based on Firefox 91.4 ESR
Other applications
Internet: Thunderbird, HexChat, qTox IM, QuiteRSS, OnionShare
Software Management: Synaptic, DEBiTool
Utilities: Gufw, Konsole, Ark, Sweeper, ISO Image Writer, Kcalc, KGpg, Kleopatra, Mat2, KWallet, VeraCrypt
Office: LibreOffice, Kontact, КOrganizer, Okular, Kwrite, Kate, Eqonomize
Graphics / Multimedia: GIMP, Gwenview. VLC, Elisa, K3b, Guvcview, VokoscreenNG
