Samsung is likely to cancel the included charger on the Samsung Galaxy S21

Apple’s cancellation of the free charger in the iPhone 12 series caused a lot of user dissatisfaction. Samsung and Xiaomi also mocked Apple’s practices on their social network accounts. However, recently, there is a rumor that Samsung may not send a charger on its new flagship Galaxy S21.

Of course, it would not be surprising if Samsung did this. Samsung laughed at Apple for canceling the 3.5mm headphone jack, and then Samsung canceled it.

The media reported that Samsung is already considering canceling the chargers that come with new models. Consumers can use existing compatible chargers or purchase additional chargers.

Samsung will also provide charger sales in various stores, if consumers need it, they can spend money to buy additional chargers when buying mobile phones.

As for whether the price of Samsung’s flagship phone will be lowered after the charger is canceled, it is still unclear, but for users, if they want to purchase an additional charger, they will definitely feel at a loss.

Other Android manufacturers are likely to imitate Apple’s follow-up because canceling the included charger can also reduce hardware costs and increase profit margins.

The media claimed that such things as fingerprint recognition and facial recognition unlocking and full-screen display were all started by Apple, and then manufacturers in the Android camp also rushed to imitate.

Via: TechRadar