Sales Prospecting – A Guide For All

What is Sales Prospecting?

Sales prospecting is the course of action to build a relationship with a prospect (potential client). The reason for sales prospecting is to switch the prospect into the sales funnel and, in due course, intrigue the prospect to make a desirable action; it could be subscribing to your channel, buying your product, or signing up for an upcoming workshop.

In this article, I would help you learn,

  • Points to consider before, during, and after approaching a prospect.
  • How to find your prospect’s email address or find company email addresses of your prospects?
  • Tips to improve your open email rate
  • Top email outreach mistakes to avoid

Points to consider before, during, and after approaching a prospect.

First, you need to identify your goal for your outreach campaign. As Zig Ziglar says, “A goal properly set is halfway reached.”

So, What are you prospecting for?

  • Prospecting for links?
  • Want more shares?
  • Wish to build a relationship for later?

Find the prospect who can help you achieve your goal. Now, regardless of your goal outreach campaign, there will be people at different levels of influence.

At first, you have your sharks; these people will have huge audiences and notable achievements.

So in the marketing and entrepreneurial space, think of the Neil Patel, Brian Tracy, or Brian Dean of this world.

The next group is big fish. And these are people you might able to reach with a friendly email, but not so much in the form of a template or with an initial cold pitch asking for something.

The third tier would be your small fish, and these will be people who are actively promoting themselves, but their websites and overall online presence are relatively small.

In the fourth will be the spawns. These are people who are just starting in your industry, and they’ll most likely reply to your outreach emails even if they’re 100% templated.

Based on these categories, the people you’ll want to reach out are groups 2 and 3. And the first tier of influencers might seem enticing, but it will be tough to get their attention.

How to find your prospect’s email address?

With email lookup tools like, you can find your prospect’s email address easily and quickly.

Tips to improve your open email rate

Let’s look into writing great outreach emails to ensure that your email gets opened.

There are a few things that you must seriously evaluate when creating your pitch. The first and most important question is what’s in it for them?

If you are going to ask for a link, what does that person want?

If you are going to ask for a joint venture of some sort, what will they get in return?

If you reach out only asking for something, then your chances of success will be slim to none.

Use a clear subject line and remember to explain how you can help them with their problems. Make sure not to use a sales pitch.

This allows you to get more replies and not get your emails deleted.

Top email outreach mistakes to avoid

When you send an email to your prospect, make sure to avoid;

  • Sounding salesy
  • Boasting too much about yourself
  • Fake message


The critical ingredient of sales prospecting is to locate the right prospect, contact them at the right time with the right message.