The pentester's Swiss knife

Find leaked credentials

trufflehog: Find leaked credentials

Truffle Hog Searches through git repositories for secrets, digging deep into commit history and branches. This is effective at finding secrets accidentally committed. How it works This module will go through the entire commit...

monitoring system

prometheus: monitoring system and time series database

Prometheus Prometheus, a Cloud Native Computing Foundation project, is a systems and service monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions, displays the results, and can trigger alerts if some...

API Traffic Analyzer

kubeshark: API traffic analyzer for Kubernetes

kubeshark Kubeshark is an API Traffic Analyzer for Kubernetes providing real-time, protocol-level visibility into Kubernetes’ internal network, capturing and monitoring all traffic and payloads going in, out, and across containers, pods, nodes, and clusters.   Think TCPDump and Wireshark re-invented...

Pentest Reporting

SysReptor: Pentest Report Creator

SysReptor – Pentest Reporting Easy As Pie SysReptor is a fully customizable, offensive security reporting solution designed for pentesters, red teamers, and other security-related people alike. You can create designs based on simple HTML...

Network Execution

NetExec: The Network Execution Tool

NetExec – The Network Execution Tool This project was initially created in 2015 by @byt3bl33d3r, known as CrackMapExec. In 2019 @mpgn_x64 started maintaining the project for the next 4 years, adding a lot of...

Multi-Purpose Http Probing Tool

SubProber: powerful and efficient subdomain scanning tool

Subprober – A Fast Multi-Purpose Http Probing Tool for Penetration Testing Subprober is a powerful and efficient tool designed for penetration testers and security professionals. This release introduces several enhancements, bug fixes, and new...

vulnerable Azure cloud lab

AHHHZURE: creates a vulnerable Azure cloud lab

AHHHZURE AHHHZURE is an automated vulnerable Azure deployment script designed for offensive security practitioners and enthusiasts to brush up their cloud sec skills. The lab has 5 flags in total to collect. You may...

Active Directory Security

BREADS: BREaking Active Directory Security

BREADS – BREaking Active Directory Security BREADS is a tool focused on enumerating and attacking Active Directory environments through LDAP and SMB protocols. This project is inspired by other existing tools like NetExec (CrackMapExec) and...