opensnitch: GNU/Linux port of the Little Snitch application firewall


OpenSnitch is a GNU/Linux port of the Little Snitch application firewall.


How Does It Work

OpenSnitch is an application-level firewall, meaning then while running, it will detect and alert the user for every outgoing connection applications he’s running are creating. This can be extremely effective to detect and block unwanted connections on your system that might be caused by a security breach, causing data exfiltration to be much harder for an attacker. In order to do that, OpenSnitch relies on NFQUEUE, an iptables target/extension which allows a userland software to intercept IP packets and either ALLOW or DROP them, once started it’ll install the following iptables rules:

OUTPUT -t mangle -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j NFQUEUE --queue-num 0 --queue-bypass

This will use conntrack iptables extension to pass all newly created connection packets to NFQUEUE number 0 (the one OpenSnitch is listening on), and then:

INPUT --protocol udp --sport 53 -j NFQUEUE --queue-num 0 --queue-bypass

This will also redirect DNS queries to OpenSnitch, allowing the software to perform and IP -> hostname resolution without performing active DNS queries itself.

Once a new connection is detected, the software relies on the ftrace kernel extension in order to track which PID (therefore which process) is creating the connection.

If ftrace is not available for your kernel, OpenSnitch will fall back use the /proc filesystem, even if this method will also work, it’s vulnerable to application path manipulation, therefore it’s highly suggested to run OpenSnitch on a ftrace enabled kernel.


# install dependencies
sudo apt-get install protobuf-compiler libpcap-dev libnetfilter-queue-dev python3-pip
go get
go get -u
python3 -m pip install --user grpcio-tools
# clone the repository (ignore the message about no Go files being found)
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
# compile && install
sudo make install
# enable opensnitchd as a systemd service and start the UI
sudo systemctl enable opensnitchd
sudo service opensnitchd start


Once you installed both the daemon and the UI, you can enable the opensnitchd service to run at boot time:

sudo systemctl enable opensnitchd

And run it with:

sudo service opensnitchd start

Single UI with many computers

You can also use –socket “[::]:50051” to have the UI use TCP instead of a Unix socket and run the daemon on another computer with -ui-socket “x.x.x.x:50051” (where x.x.x.x is the IP of the computer running the UI service).


Rules are stored as JSON files inside the -rule-path folder, in the simplest cast a rule looks like this:

"created": "2018-04-07T14:13:27.903996051+02:00",
"updated": "2018-04-07T14:13:27.904060088+02:00",
"name": "deny-simple-www-google-analytics-l-google-com",
"enabled": true,
"action": "deny",
"duration": "always",
"operator": {
"type": "simple",
"operand": "",
"data": ""



Field Description
created UTC date and time of creation.
update UTC date and time of the last update.
name The name of the rule.
enabled Use to temporarily disable and enable rules without moving their files.
action Can be deny or allow.
duration For rules persisting on disk, this value is default to always.
operator.type Can be simple, in which case a simple == comparison will be performed, or regexp if the data field is a regular expression to match.
operator.operand What element of the connection to compare, can be one of: true (will always match), process.path (the path of the executable), process.command (full command line, including path and arguments), provess.env.ENV_VAR_NAME (use the value of an environment variable of the process given its name),, dest.ip, or dest.port.
operator. data The data to compare the operand to, can be a regular expression if type is regexp.

An example with a regular expression:

An example whitelisting a whole process: