Microsoft released the KB4457142 cumulative update for Windows 10 version 1709

Microsoft has released a routine cumulative security update for KB4457142 for Windows 10 Version 1709, the April update.

Since Microsoft has previously released cumulative updates for each version of Windows 10, this update of the Routine Update does not solve too many problems.

For the user, if the update is not disabled, the update can be downloaded directly. If the update has been disabled, the update package can be downloaded and installed manually.

With the Cumulative update for Fall creator updates, after the system is successfully installed and rebooted, the system version is upgraded to Windows 10 Build 16299.665.

Of course, in advance, to avoid potential problems affecting the cumulative update, please use the system backup/restore function before downloading and installing the update.

The following is the specific update log:

  • Security updates to Internet Explorer, Microsoft Edge, Microsoft scripting engine, Windows graphics, Windows media, Windows Shell, Windows cryptography, Windows virtualization and kernel, Windows datacenter networking, Windows Hyper-V, Windows Linux, Windows kernel, Microsoft JET Database Engine, Windows MSXML, and Windows Server.
