Microsoft posted recruitment information for the Surface Duo project

Recently, there have been rumors on the Internet that Microsoft’s Android dual-screen folding device, Surface Duo will soon begin mass production or that the research and development work has ended, but according to the news that appears today, it seems that the information mentioned in these rumors is all too early.

Surface Duo

Microsoft recently sent out recruitment information for the Surface Duo project. This time they plan to recruit more engineers to join the research and development of Surface Duo, and most of the workplaces mentioned in the recruitment are in Redmond, Washington, USA. After that, there will be some recruitment positions in Salo, and Finland.

The positions Microsoft has recruited range from hardware and software engineers to project managers to chief architects. It seems that this is equivalent to hiring an entire team.

Although Microsoft has suspended the release of the Surface Neo project in the same period, the Surface Duo is still expected to be released during the holiday this year as originally planned.