Sony PS5 will run 100 times faster than PS4

At the recent company strategy conference, Sony announced the launch of Playstation 5’s first game lineup while also mentioning the difference in the speed of Playstation 5 compared to Playstation 4.

Sony said that its company’s upcoming next-generation game console Playstation 5 is equipped with a customized solid-state drive, and its data processing speed is 100 times faster than that of Playstation 4.

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“For example, through a custom‐designed high‐speed SSD, we plan to realize game data processing speeds that are approximately 100 times faster than PS4.”

Sony has publicly advertised the high-speed solid-state drive on Playstation 5 more than once. Previously, they used Playstation 5 and Playstation 4 to run the same game. At that time, many console players were shocked by the extremely fast data processing speed of Playstation 5 because of the solid-state drive.

Recently Epic said that Playstation 5 equipped with a customized high-speed solid-state drive is the fastest game console used to develop the Unreal 5 engine so far, but they also said that the Xbox Series X and Playstation 5 perform well with the Unreal 5 engine.