Microsoft brings audio transcription function to Microsoft Word

The long-awaited Microsoft Word transcription function has finally arrived, and it is a pity that for the time being, this function only supports audio transcription of English.

Audio transcription can be very convenient to record audio and then directly transcribe it into text and save it as a document. It is simply an artifact tool in the meeting room.

After the transcription function is available, there is no need to use the recording pen during the meeting and organize the content after the meeting, because the transcription function supports both audio and text transcription.

Audio transcription first requires users to record and take a video of the meeting content, and then upload the recording or video to the transcription center to return the text content.

The text content can be directly saved in Microsoft Word, and users can edit and organize the content of the document, such as summarizing the key content of the meeting.

It should be noted that the transcription function is not real-time recording and conversion, but Microsoft does not limit the size of the uploaded audio, so even long meetings can be transcribed.

Currently, this function only supports English and only supports the online version of Microsoft Word Online. There is no timetable for when the locally installed program version will be supported.