Microsoft adds integrated chat and voice capabilities to Visual Studio Live Share

In 2017, Microsoft launched a cloud service for developers, Visual Studio Live Share, which makes it easier for developers to collaborate with each other when writing code, and also allows developers to share current processing with other team members. So that even if they work on different operating systems, they can still edit and debug the same code in their code editor.

Today, Microsoft announced the addition of integrated chat and voice features for Visual Studio Live Share. When developers use the Visual Studio IDE and the Visual Studio Code editor, they can invite other developers to join the session to discuss in the code writing process. Microsoft said that this feature will be pushed to Visual Studio Code and Visual Studio IDE in the next week.

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With Live Share, no matter what type of application you want to build, which language to program, or which operating system to use, you can use your own tools to immediately share your project with your peers. There is no need to clone the repository or set up the environment to get the share.

Through Live Share, you can jointly edit, debug together, make audio calls, chat with your peers, share terminals and servers, view comments, and more. Collaborate with others without changing the way you work. Live Share meets all the needs of you and your team.