kcptun v20171021 released, A Secure Tunnel Based On KCP with N:M Multiplexing
kcptun maintains a single website — github.com/xtaci/kcptun. Any websites other than github.com/xtaci/kcptun are not endorsed by xtaci. kcptun won’t publish anything on any social media.
KCP communication group: 364933586 (QQ group number), KCP integration, tuning, network transmission and related technical discussions.
Kcptun is a very simple and fast UDP tunnel based on the KCP protocol. It can convert TCP flows to KCP + UDP streams and can be used for transmission of any TCP network program to improve network fluency in packet loss environments.
KCP is a fast and reliable protocol that can reduce the average delay by 30% to 40% and triple the maximum delay by a factor of 10% to 20% less than TCP’s waste.
Kcptun v20171021 version of the new ‘-quiet’ option, can be used to curb the meaningless “stream open/close” message.
For more details and download please refer to the release list.