Introduce to yum command
The Yellowdog Updater, Modified (YUM) is a free and open-source command-line package-management utility for computers running the Linux operating system using the RPM Package Manager. Though YUM has a command-line interface, several other tools provide graphical user interfaces to YUM functionality.
YUM allows for automatic updates and package and dependency management on RPM-based distributions.[3] Like the Advanced Package Tool (APT) from Debian, YUM works with software repositories (collections of packages), which can be accessed locally or over a network connection.
Thomei08 [Public domain]
yum command list
- yum check-update //Check all packages that can be updated
- yum update //Download and update all packages installed on your system
- yum upgrade //Large-scale version upgrade. Unlike yum update, even old obsolete packages are upgraded.
- yum install <packages> //Install new packages
- yum update <packages> //Update specified packages
- yum remove <packages> // Uninstall the specified package
- yum groupinstall <groupnames> //Install packages in the specified software group
- yum groupupdate <groupnames> //Update packages in the specified software group
- yum groupremove <groupnames> //Uninstall packages from the specified software group
- yum grouplist //Check system has been installed and available software group
- yum list //List all you can install or update the repository and rpm package installed
- yum list <regex> //List the rpm packages that can be installed or updated in the repository that match the regular expression, and which have been installed
- yum list available //List all packages that can be installed rpm repository
- yum list available <regex> //List all packages that can be installed rpm repository with a regular expression matching
- yum list updates //List all updateable rpm packages in the repository
- yum list updates <regex> //List all the possible update rpm package repository with a regular expression matching
- yum list installed //List all installed rpm packages in the repository
- yum list installed <regex> //List all installed rpm package repository with a regular expression matching
- yum list extras //List rpm packages installed but not included in the repository
- yum list extras <regex> //List installed rpm packages that match the regular expression but are not included in the repository
- yum list recent //List packages recently added to the repository
- yum search <regex> //Detect the names, descriptions, overviews, and listed maintainers of all available software for values that match the regular expression
- yum provides <regex> //Detection package contains the files and software to provide functionality, find the value of the regular expression matching
- yum clean headers //Clear rpm header file cache
- yum clean packages //Clear the rpm package file in the cache
- yum clean all //Clear the cache of headers and rpm package file
- yum deplist <packages> //Show package dependency information