Introduce to Linux rpm command

RPM Package Manager (RPM) (originally Red Hat Package Manager; now a recursive acronym) is a free and open-source package management system. The name RPM refers to .rpm file format and the package manager program itself. RPM was intended primarily for Linux distributions; the file format is the baseline package format of the Linux Standard Base.

1. Install the package

rpm -ivh ***.rpm

2. Upgrade the package

rpm -Uhv ***.rpm

3. Remove package

rpm -e package_name
rpm -e –allmatches package_name //Remove all versions of packages matching package_name

4. Query package

rpm -q package_name
rpm -qp ***. rpm //Get information about rpm packages in the current directory
rpm -qa | less //List all installed packages
rpm -qf /etc/sysctl.conf  //See which package a file belongs to
rpm -qi package_name //Lists the standard details of this package installed
rpm -qlp package_name //Lists the file contents of the rpm package
rpm -q -scripts kernel | less //Lists the pre-install and post-install scripts that come with the installed rpm package

5. Check installed packages

rpm -qa

6. Rebuild the rpm database

 rm /var/lib/rpm/__db.00*

rpm –rebuilddb

7. Extract files from rpm

rpm2cpio ***.rpm | cpio -idmv