Intel has established a new graphics research function within AXG

Intel announced that a new graphics research unit will be established within the Accelerated Computing Systems and Graphics Group (AXG). Its mission is to deliver the best immersive visuals by advancing the algorithms, systems, and hardware behind graphics, addressing market segments, use cases, and experiences that require this type of visuals, such as immersive entertainment and gaming, future virtual social interactions, highly autonomous content creation, and more.


Image: Intel

The vice president of the Accelerated Computing Systems and Graphics Group, chief technology officer, and director of the Graphics Research Organization at Intel Corporation, Anton Kaplanyan says, now entering a new era of graphics, and it will not appear in any one device form, but will be displayed in different scenarios, providing a consistent and high-quality visual experience across devices is a challenge that needs to be solved. The ultimate application area is not only games, but also remote working, photorealistic simulation, and 3D virtual environments. To achieve this goal, visual computing needs to become more ubiquitous, more efficient, accessible, and smarter.

Intel’s goal is to build the best graphics solutions and at the same time, it wants to move the entire field, the entire ecosystem forward, and does so by being open, collaborative, and forward-looking. As proof, Intel has produced a new Sponza scene for the research community to download for free, featuring 4K textures and high-resolution geometry based on real materials. Intel will standardize it as much as possible and make it available in multiple modern formats, making graphics research more reproducible.