IBM researchers have developed two quantum encryption algorithms and have successfully applied to a tape drive

IBM researchers have developed two quantum encryption algorithms and have developed a secure tape drive using such algorithms. It is understood that quantum computing is an emerging form of computing that uses quantum mechanical phenomena to solve problems that cannot be solved on traditional computers. Experts say that the maturity of quantum computing will help scientists make great progress in the fields of chemistry, bioinformatics, and artificial intelligence.

However, advances in quantum computing have not only brought about an increase in the level of human technology but have also made existing data protection measures more challenging, as traditional security measures may not be able to effectively deal with quantum computing attacks. Therefore, IBM has developed two quantum encryption algorithms.

IBM TS1160 tape drive getting entangled in quantum computing.

The first algorithm is called Kyber, a secure key encapsulation mechanism. The second algorithm is called Dilithium, a secure digital signature algorithm. Both evolved from Cryptographic Suite for Algebraic Lattices.

IBM has successfully applied these two algorithms to the device: the technicians modified the IBM TS1160 tape drive and successfully developed the world’s first quantum computing security tape drive. IBM researchers say the new algorithm can be used not only in future tape drives but also to upgrade existing tape drive firmware. Currently, two new IBM algorithms have been selected as candidate algorithms for the Post Quantum Cryptography standardization project of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.