How to Enable Live Kernel Dumps in Windows 11 Task Manager

Dump file is the function of collecting running logs that comes with Windows Task Manager. This function will collect more detailed running logs for troubleshooting. However, it is not practical for most users to analyze the dump file, so in most cases, the file is only needed when users go to the Microsoft forum for feedback.

In Windows 11 Build 25188, Microsoft is enhancing dump files, and now you can collect system live kernel dump files through Task Manager. Including the creation of a complete kernel dump file and a kernel stack dump file, this function is currently in the test part and users can see the new function in the task manager.


In the current version, users can also create dump files but do not provide full kernel and kernel stack dump files, the latter two are just added by Microsoft. The kernel dump file is a snapshot of the running of the kernel, which can be checked according to the log when the application crashes, driver errors, blue screen of death, etc. The analysis and use of dump files are technically difficult, and interested users can learn how to interpret system dump files through search engines.

How to Enable Live Kernel Dumps in Windows 11 Task Manager

You can use Vivetool to enable feature 40430431. In the terminal, use PowerShell or the Command Prompt tab to run the command: c:\vivetool\vivetool.exe /enable /id:40430431.