Google enhances the performance of the chatbot “Bard”, enhancing the ability to predict and solve complex inferences

Google announced an upgrade to its artificial intelligence chatbot, “Bard,” which notably incorporates auto-generation technology. This advancement primarily aims to amend the previous reliance on large-scale language model computations, fortifying its ability to predict and resolve intricate inferences. Consequently, the enhancement is set to elevate the precision in dealing with words and numerical calculations by approximately 30%.

Examples of its newly minted capabilities include responding to prime factor questions within the range of a million and understanding the antonyms of specific words. Nevertheless, Google continues to stress that the answers provided by “Bard” could still harbor potential errors. This includes potential mistakes in code written by it, or in the solutions it offers.

Simultaneously, Google is amplifying the synergy between “Bard” and Google Sheets, paving the way for future incorporation of automatically generated data by “Bard” into Google Sheets for subsequent edits and computational applications.

Previously at Google I/O 2023, it was expounded that “Bard” is backed by the large-scale natural language model PaLM 2. This empowers it with swifter execution speeds and response rates and also facilitates multilingual interactions. As a part of its future endeavors, plans are in the pipeline to extend its availability to 180 countries worldwide. While the initial interactions will still primarily be in English, support for Japanese and Korean interactions has been confirmed. Eventually, they aim to extend support to the 40 most widely spoken languages globally.