Google Chrome now provides the option to opt-out of FLoC tracking technology

After the Cookie tracking technology has attracted attention, Google has decided not to rely on this technology, but the advertising business is the root of Google. Obviously, Google will not give up tracking.

So earlier, Google announced the launch of a new group tracking technology called FLoC, which divides users into different groups based on their browsing history and preferences.

Advertising networks can only deliver according to different interest groups when they are running, which means that advertising networks cannot actually track specific users.

This sounds like a good idea to prevent users’ privacy from being stolen by ad networks, but many users have noticed that this is actually a bigger pit.

For privacy protection and anti-monopoly purposes, Google was forced to abandon traditional tracking technology, so Google built a joint learning alliance to identify different users in groups.

The principle is that modules attached to software such as Google Chrome can analyze user preferences locally, and then send relevant data to Google for grouping and classification.

Each group can accommodate thousands of users, these users belong to the same interest category, and Google will only share these categories with advertising networks for delivery.

This means that user data has not actually been uploaded or directly exposed to the advertising network. The advertising network can only see specific categories of users and cannot be targeted.

At the same time, tests have shown that compared with traditional cookie tracking advertising, this model can achieve at least 95% conversions for every dollar spent, so advertising is also sustainable.

However, this technology has now caused even greater controversy: traditional Cookies technology can also be disabled through the browser, and users of grouping technology have no way to circumvent it.

For example, certain privacy protection plug-ins used by users will fail, and it will not help to disable script tracking through the browser. Users can only be forced to accept Google tracking.

After the controversy arose, Google has now provided options in the Google Chrome Canary version, and consumers can opt-out of group tracking through these experimental options.

The following is the operation flow for exiting FLoC group tracking

  1. Load chrome://flags/#privacy-sandbox-settings-2 in the address bar of the web browser.
  2. Set the flag to Enabled.
  3. Restart Google Chrome.
  4. Load chrome://settings/privacySandbox in the address bar of the browser.
  5. If turned on, disable FLoC on the page to turn off FLoC.

Via: ghacks