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Google Chrome 61 beta released

Today, Google announced on its developer blog, the whole platform Chrome 61 Beta release, the version mainly in the JavaScript module, the desktop version of the Payment Request API, Web Share API and WebUSB made improvements and improvements.

Unless otherwise noted, the changes described below apply to the latest Chrome Beta channel (Android, Chrome OS, Linux, Mac, and Windows).


Chrome 61 beta update log:

– JavaScript module

These modules allow developers to declare dependencies on scripts that are popular among third-party build tools that use only bundled scripts when they are used.

This version adds native support for the JavaScript module via the new <script type = module> element. Native support means that the browser can get fine dependencies in parallel, which can take advantage of caching, avoid cross-page duplication, and ensure that scripts are executed in the correct order, all of which do not need to perform the build steps.

– Desktop Payment Request API

Since the announcement last year to support Android, the Payment Request API now supports Windows, Mac, Linux, and ChromeOS. At present, developers can provide a secure, seamless cross-platform checkout experience.

A transaction of the payment request process

– Share Share API

To allow users to easily share content on social networks, developers must manually share the sharing buttons on their website for each social service. This will not only lead to bloated pages and include third-party code to trigger the security risks, but also often lead to users can not actually use the service to share the content.

The site can now use the new navigator.share API on Chrome (for Android) to trigger the native Android Share dialog box, allowing users to easily share text or links with any native apps they install.

In future releases, this API will also be able to share with the installed web application.

The navigator.share API allows users to share content with a variety of native apps through the native Android Share dialog.

– WebUSB

The Advanced Network Platform API supports most hardware peripherals such as keyboards, mice, printers, and game handles. In order to use dedicated USB peripherals such as education, science, or industry, users must use system-level permissions to find and install potentially unsafe drivers and software.

Chrome now supports the WebUSB API, allowing network applications to communicate with peripherals with the user’s consent. This enables all of the features provided by the device, while still ensuring network security.

– Other features in this release

– The Network Information API now provides desktop and Android versions and supports web-based access to the device’s underlying connectivity.

– Now, the developer can specify the rolling fluency through a new optional parameter in the existing Scroll API or through the scroll-behavior CSS property.

– The CSSOM View Smooth Scroll API brings native smooth scrolling to the platform through the scroll-behavior: smooth CSS property or by using the window.scrollTo() DOM scrolling function, eliminating the need for this behavior via JavaScript

– CSS color values can now be 8-bit and 4-digit hexadecimal colors in the format #RRGGBBAA and #RGBA.

– Now, the site can access the relative position of the screen content through the Visual Viewport API, thus more directly show complex functions, such as the use of two-finger gestures to enlarge.

– The Device RAM API is now available to display the RAM capacity on the user’s device to the site to optimize the overall performance of the web application.

– The new site will now be automatically loaded in a custom Chrome tag when navigating from an installed web application to a site outside the initial web app.

– Now, for videos that use native controls, Chrome automatically expands the video to full-screen when the user rotates their device along the way the video is played on the screen.

– nextHopProtocol is now available in Resource Timing and Navigation Timing, allowing users to access the network protocol used to obtain resources.

– The site can now require embedding of third party content to enforce a given content security policy through the new CSP attribute on the <iframe> element.

– The DOMTokenList interface now supports replace (), which makes it easy to change all exactly the same token to a new token, as active changes to inactive after expiration.

– The list of attribute names for accessing the element now supports getAttributeNames() and provides the developer with a mechanism that is more straightforward than the attributes collection.

– Now, to improve security, the Web site will automatically exit full-screen mode when the JavaScript dialog box opens.

– The site can now retrieve the estimated and quota (in bytes) of the disk space used by the given source through the Storage API’s new navigator.storage.estimate () function.

– To increase the browser’s cache hit rate, URLSearchParams now supports sort () to list all stored name-value pairs.

– The URLSearchParams constructor has been updated to accept any object as a parameter, not just another URLSearchParams instance.

– To prevent unauthorized use of certificates issued, the site can use the new Expect-CT HTTP header, which will enable automatic reporting and/or enforcement of certificate transparency requirements.

– Chrome will no longer use the media source in the background tag to decode the video frame.

– The “Non-Live” camera settings (such as photo resolution, red-eye reduction, and flash mode) can now be retrieved via ImageCapture.getPhotoSettings ().

– Depreciation and interoperability improvements

– To improve security, the resources that contain both \ n and <characters in the URL will now be blocked.

– For increased security, support for the start function of the Presentation API has been deprecated and removed from unsecured contexts.

– To improve the consistency of each on the <event> attribute, the onwheel property has moved from Element to Window, Document, HTMLElement, and SVGElement.

– Chrome now supports three new reference site policy values, namely same-origin, strict-origin and strict-origin-when-cross-origin, for better compliance with specifications and more granular control over the referenced content stream.

– The maximum value of colSpan has been reduced from 8190 to 1000 after making changes to the specification.
