Game Over: E3 Expo Permanently Shut Down

Originally scheduled for June 13-16, 2023, at the Los Angeles Convention Center, E3 2023 was ultimately canceled due to the withdrawal of major industry players. The lack of heavyweight manufacturers led to the loss of momentum for hosting the event. Subsequent reports indicated that the Los Angeles Tourism Committee, in their promotional materials for local tourism, mentioned the cancellation of E3 expos for 2024 and 2025. This has led industry insiders to speculate diminishing confidence in the prospects of E3.

The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) has announced the permanent cancellation of the E3 expo, a cornerstone event in the gaming industry for over two decades.

E3 was once one of the most significant events in the gaming industry, where developers and publishers showcased upcoming games and various unreleased hardware. Since its inception in 1995, the annual E3 expo served as an essential platform for many iconic announcements and official releases. However, the event was canceled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and since then, many game developers and publishers have decided to completely bypass the event.

The cancellation of E3 represents a significant blow to the gaming industry, as it was previously a chosen platform for developers and publishers to present new games to a global audience. Currently, some major gaming companies have opted to host similar events, such as Sony’s State of Play and Nintendo’s Nintendo Direct, which have somewhat supplanted the role of E3.