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Fastlane 2.55.0 release, iOS and Android automatically build tools

Fastlane is a tool for iOS and Android (later supported) all-around automated processes. Use the currently supported tools to do everything that includes automated and sustainable building, such as unit testing, screenshots, distribution channels, upload metadata, and ipa packages for review.


Fastlane 2.55.0 released, updated content:

  • Show nice error message for common Xcode 9 code signing issue
  • Add support for provisioning profile templates for all Fastlane tools
  • Escape HipChat room name
  • Update data structure for tester exporting
  • Clarify question in app_store_build_number action
  • make sure not to call map on nil array
  • Add new sub pages for all actions and tools

For more information, please refer to the Release Notes
