Drupal 7 will end support in November 2021

The Drupal Association announced that the Drupal 7 will end in November 2021, which means that the Drupal security team will not continue to provide security updates for the Drupal 7 cores or modules, themes, etc. After November 2021, the update status module of the Drupal 7 website will show no longer supported, and the Drupal 7 website may be marked as unsafe by third parties, and it is best to start migrating to Drupal 8 now.

Drupal Remote Code Execution

What this means for your Drupal 7 sites is, as of November 2021:

  • Drupal 7 will no longer be supported by the community at large. The community at large will no longer create new projects, fix bugs in existing projects, write documentation, etc. around Drupal 7.
  • There will be no more core commits to Drupal 7.
  • The Drupal Security Team will no longer provide support or Security Advisories for Drupal 7 core or contributed modules, themes, or other projects. Reports about Drupal 7 vulnerabilities might become public creating 0 day exploits.
  • All Drupal 7 releases on all project pages will be flagged as not supported. Maintainers can change that flag if they desire to.
  • On Drupal 7 sites with the update status module, Drupal Core will show up as unsupported.
  • After November 2021, using Drupal 7 may be flagged as insecure in 3rd party scans as it no longer gets support.
  • Best practice is to not use unsupported software, it would not be advisable to continue to build new Drupal 7 sites.
  • Now is the time to start planning your migration to Drupal 8.

If for any reason you cannot migrate to Drupal 8 or 9 at the end of the version 7 lifecycle, some organizations will offer Drupal 7 Vendor Extension Support (D7ES) to their paying customers. The program will be an additional paid service that will be fully operational with the help of these security teams.