Chrome will speed up the release cycle

For more than ten years, Chrome has been releasing a new version every 6 weeks. After improving Chrome’s testing and release process, it has deployed security updates once every 2 weeks. Next, Chrome plans to start with Chrome 94 in the third quarter of 2021 and to release a new version every 4 weeks.

In addition, Chrome will add a new Extended Stable option, which users can change to update the new version every 8 weeks. Extended Stable will be provided to enterprise administrators who need additional time to manage updates. When Extended Stable is selected, security updates are also released every two weeks to fix important issues, but these updates will not include new features or all security fixes of the normal 4-week version. For users on Chrome OS, Chrome also plans to support multiple stable version options. Google will provide more version update options on Chrome OS in the next few months.

At present, Chrome has updated the release schedule document, as well as a preliminary release schedule, interested users can check it out.