CBOM/SBOM – Create a Cybersecurity Bill of Materials
Before we get into a few actionable tips to take to possibly build a cybersecurity bill of materials, you may be wondering what the point of it is. I have included a few reasons why it may make sense to move forward with a cybersecurity bill of materials.
It might make sense for you to go ahead and look at some of your options and see if a cybersecurity bill of materials is the right idea for you and your manufacturing.
Boosts Your Reputation
The best way to boost your reputation is to deliver great customer experiences and show that you care about your customers. With a cybersecurity bill of materials, you show that you care about the protection of them.
Any time that there is an alert of vulnerability, you will know if it pertains to your product. There are so many threats out there that can hurt you with cybersecurity, so it is important to protect your security and the customers. Protecting their security and keeping them in the know with your products is a great way to boost your reputation.
Little security changes like that will go a long way in the long run, because your competition is usually cutting corners and not thinking about topics like this. Cybersecurity is one of the main topics that will become more and important over the next few years, so it is smart to hop on the trend now to gain a competitive advantage.
Helpful to You
Creating a cybersecurity bill of materials is actually your first step to maintaining great security to your devices, and it will also just give you more peace of mind than you originally would have.
It is also helpful to you in the case of the law and dealing with lawyers. You will be able to be compliant and possibly avoid any legal trouble that you normally might be messing with.
Actually, if you wanted to read more about how it could help you and how you could implement it into a product lifecycle, I have a great link for you to check out at https://www.openbom.com/product-lifecycle-management.
Ask Your Build System is the Best Way
Whatever you do, do not ask your software engineers to create a cybersecurity bill of materials. You would have to deal with human error, and if they messed up with their brainstorming then you would be back to square one instantly.
Asking your build system is a great way because it limits the human error of asking your software engineers. A great backup method is using the operating system. An operating system can give you a list of the software packages that are installed and will make your life easier.
If you found value from reading this article, then please share this post. It is important to realize the benefits of creating a cybersecurity bill of materials. It can go a long way for businesses if they implement it correctly and do it.