Category: GPU

Arc A770 Limited Edition

Here is the Arc A770 Limited Edition packaging

Among Intel Alchemist (DG2) discrete graphics cards, ARC A770 is the most positioned product, and its overall appearance has long been exposed. Recently, Intel is holding an event called “Gamer Days“, which will last...

Intel Data Center GPU Flex

Intel Announces Data Center GPU Flex Series

Intel released a new data center GPU Flex series, which was previously code-named Arctic Sound-M. Unlike Ponte Vecchio, the Flex series GPUs are aimed at cloud computing providers and are mainly used in fields...

Intel AXG losses

Intel oneAPi software supports multi-GPUs

In recent years, Nvidia and AMD have been talking less and less about SLI and CrossFire, and the new generation of consumer graphics cards will hardly see multi-GPU support. The reason is that these...