Best Ways to Learn French for Developers

We are delighted to state that we live in a fantastic time. Communication time without borders! Globalization is in full swing across the planet. Modern technologies, especially the Internet, allow us to communicate with anyone and at any distance and give each weighty “kick” in understanding the need to learn new languages. Of course, it is possible to live in the modern world with the knowledge of only one language, but every year it becomes more and more challenging to do this, and it is no longer solid.

And so you concluded that you need to start learning French because it will come in handy in your work. We assure you – in any case, you will not be disappointed! Indeed, in addition to being one of the most beautiful languages ​​globally, it is also one of the five most common languages. Along with English, French is spoken on all five continents of the world, so you will need some French tutors, and if you truly need the best ones – try Preply.

Advice 1. Determine Who You Are By Type of Perception

Who are you: auditory (you remember better by ear), visual (trust your eyesight), kinesthetic (sensitive experience, sensations are important to you), or discrete (perceive the world around you with the help of logic). In the first lesson, we always find out from my students which way of memorization is closer to them. The following method of presenting the material and the learning process will depend on this.

If you’ve studied languages ​​before, think about what worked for you and what didn’t. If you find it challenging to attribute yourself to one or another type of perception, you can take a test on the vast expanses of the Internet. Or maybe you, like me, are of a mixed type, and you, like me, it is essential to hear, see, and feel the material and think logically.

Advice 2. Start With Phonetics and Reading Rules

The phonetics of the French language is quite complex. Even though the pronunciation of most French alphabet letters is similar to the pronunciation of letters from the English alphabet, these languages ​​are historically connected. We use many borrowed words from the French language in our speech (yes, don’t be surprised! you already know something). However, the pronunciation of words and whole sentences can be difficult. French speech flows. There are many links and links between words. Listen to the French address and repeat (the method is perfect for auditory). Listen to native speakers to understand ​​speech speed and intonation.

Work on your articulation, and do exercises in front of a mirror. It is essential for correct pronunciation; your speech rate will depend on this so that the interlocutor, hearing your address, understands what you mean. Francophones themselves actively use facial expressions and articulation in the process of conversation.

Learn the rules of reading. We warn you that this isn’t easy and will take some time. The peculiarity of the French language is that words are written with a large number of letters, and they are worn out in just a few sounds. For example, beaucoup (a lot) is written in as many as eight letters and is pronounced like “boku.”

Therefore, knowing the rules of reading will help you read the words correctly, pronounce them correctly, and as a result, enrich your vocabulary with the help of books. And read, read, read and read everything in French! (This is especially good for visuals, and audiobooks can listen to audiobooks) Fiction, scientific literature, magazines, newspapers, brochures, and even advertising. It will make your speech richer, richer.

Advice 3. Practice Grammar

“Grammar” may sound boring, but it’s essential. Agree, we are pleased to communicate with a foreigner when he speaks English correctly. So for the French, grammatically correct speech is pleasant and crucial. And to speak correctly, you must understand the structure of the sentence, how to use verbs in the present, past, and other tenses, and know the gender of nouns and adjectives. If you are discrete, then you will love the grammar. It is pure logic!

If you’re a francophone beginner, here’s my practical advice. Remember, in a French sentence, the subject always comes first, the predicate comes second, and the object comes next. For example: Je vais à l’école (I’m going to school). And this is very cool, because with a small vocabulary (at first), you can clearly express your thoughts in short sentences.

Advice 4. The Internet Will Help You!

Do you not let go of your phone or tablet because you just “hung” on social networks? Or are you a fan of video hosting? Or do you like to read e-books, magazines, and newspapers? Great! It will help you in learning French!

Urgently set up the primary language in the social networks “Français.” You already know what and where it is located, and you can practice the language in practice. For example: Quoi de neuf? (What’s new?) in the news line, or En ligne (on the web). You can also find French-speaking friends on social networks and communicate with them verbally and in writing.

We already talked about books: look for your favorite reading in French (it’s easier to do it in electronic form nowadays). Try to find children’s French books on the Internet. As a rule, they are with bright illustrations and simple texts – what you need for a beginner francophone.

You will also find a lot of French-speaking news channels and applications on the Internet. We especially recommend the TV5Monde track. Here you will learn world news and look at exciting programs on various topics. Still, most importantly, this channel will help you learn French in the Apprendre le Français section (for all levels of knowledge of the language).

Advice 5. Watch Movies With Subtitles in French

French cinema is rich in masterpieces! Indulge yourself in pleasure and watch French films in the original. This tip will especially appeal to kinesthetics and visuals. We recommend that you start with famous animated films. Watch movies with subtitles. But with French subtitles! It is important. Throw away the fear that you will not understand anything.