App Store is sued by the mind behind Cydia

Cydia is a well-known jailbreak app store on the iOS platform. Recently, the founder of Cydia Jay Freeman accused the Apple App Store of monopolizing the app store market on the iOS platform.

Jay Freeman claimed that Apple took advantage of the iPhone’s home field and used anti-competitive strategies to exclude Cydia and other potential competitors. Jay Freeman stated in the lawsuit that “The Cydia lawsuit represents a new kind of challenge to Apple’s power. While Epic, Spotify and other companies say they are victims of Apple’s alleged App Store monopoly, they aren’t direct competitors to the App Store itself. Cydia, which was popular in the early days of the iPhone, offers a real-world example of what competition might look like.

Cydia Store closed

Jay Freeman hopes to establish an open iOS application distribution and iOS application payment market through litigation so that those who want to compete with Apple can get a fair environment and compensate them for the huge losses Apple has caused them.

The early iPhone, like almost all smartphones today, had a color touch screen but did not have a built-in app store. It wasn’t until July 2008 that the App Store appeared after the iPhone 3G was born. Cydia was the first version that was launched in March 2008. It can be used on the original iPhone. From this point of view, it is the first app store on the iPhone.

However, Cydia allows users to download and install applications directly and allows anyone to create their own application sources on it, using Cydia as a relay service to list their own applications. This also caused Cydia to have almost no control over the applications on the shelves, which also led to the prevalence of pirated software on the platform. Apple also claimed that it endangered the security of iOS devices.

Via: The Washington Post