AMD stops supporting a large number of GCN architecture graphics cards

AMD has just released the latest Radeon Software Adrenalin 21.6.1 driver. People are focusing on the new driver enabling FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) technology, but this driver has quietly made many changes.

AMD only provides the Radeon Software Adrenalin 21.6.1 driver for the Windows 10 64bit version, and no longer provides the Windows 7 version. At the same time, compared with the previous version 21.5.2, compatible products are also different. A large number of Graphics Core Next (GCN) graphics cards are officially classified as old GPUs, and there is no follow-up maintenance support.

AMD Radeon Software Adrenalin

This involves the Radeon HD 7000 series, R200 series, R300 series, and R9 Fury series graphics cards, which are the first three generations of GCN. The earliest Radeon HD 7000 series was released in 2011, which is a product ten years ago. The relatively new R9 Fury series was released in 2015.

The GCN architecture has great vitality and has been used for a long time in AMD’s graphics card product line. Competitor Nvidia also recently announced that after the release of the GeForce R470 GA5 version of the driver on August 31, it will no longer support Kepler architecture products. At the same time, this driver also means the end of support for the Windows 7/8/8.1 operating system.