AMD said about the ARM architecture will replace the x86 architecture

After Apple announced the launch of the ARM-based MacBook, the desktop processor and processor micro-architecture system market was once again disturbed and caused fierce competition.

After Qualcomm and Microsoft jointly launched the Windows 10 ARM device, there was more criticism due to performance issues, so no one thought that ARM would replace x86.

However, the situation is different after Apple has made this choice because Apple has strong technical strength in ARM architecture processors and is capable of solving performance problems.

Therefore, whether the ARM architecture will replace the traditional x86 architecture in the future is worthy of attention. AMD said that it has no fear of competition and the best defense is an offense.

Linux kernel AMD 7nm Zen2

AMD Chief Technology Officer Mark Papermaster recently expressed his views on the micro-architecture system. The media asked Mark how he views the rapid rise of the ARM ecosystem.

At present, the ARM ecosystem has also begun to put pressure on the x86 architecture in the server and other markets. For example, ARM Neoverse v1 has even achieved performance close to x86 processors.

ARM also promises to bring 30% performance growth every year, so how should x86 architecture processor manufacturers such as AMD maintain their advantages in the high-performance field?

In this regard, Mark said that the company’s pursuit of performance will never brake, although the x86 and ARM architecture instruction sets are naturally different this is not the root of the problem.

Regardless of the simplified instruction set or the complex instruction set, the pursuit of performance must be based on the premise of increasing transistors. AMD has its own reasons for sticking to the x86 architecture.

The reason is that the x86 architecture has a huge software technology, and at the same time, in terms of the tools and technical resources mastered, it can be optimized and improved at the fastest speed and shortcut.

Even in the face of competition, AMD will not be afraid, because AMD is born with the competition, not afraid or hope that this situation will change in the future.

Finally, Mark concluded that in the face of market competition and competition in the ARM ecosystem, the best defense is to take the initiative to attack, and the only offense can maintain its advantage.