Amazon Appstore No More on Windows in 2025

Although the introduction of Windows 11 heralded the innovative feature of integrating the Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA) alongside a partnership with Amazon’s Appstore, enabling users to download and utilize Android apps within the Windows 11 ecosystem, Microsoft has recently disclosed plans to discontinue this design functionality in response to evolving user needs.

Microsoft has confirmed the cessation of the ability to download and use Android apps through the Amazon Appstore on Windows 11, with already downloaded content only being usable until March 5, 2025. This decision to terminate the feature is tied to its relatively low usage rate, coupled with Microsoft’s current prioritization of developing applications for its Copilot AI service. Another contributing factor might be the users’ preference for accessing the complete suite of services offered by the Google Play Store, rather than obtaining apps through the Amazon Appstore.

In subsequent updates, users will no longer find the Amazon Appstore service in the Microsoft Store marketplace, although those who have already downloaded the Appstore service will continue to have access to its download and installation features until the cut-off date of March 5, 2025. Similarly, apps corresponding to the Windows Subsystem for Android will remain functional until then.

Following this update, developers will be unable to launch new apps on the Amazon Appstore service within the Microsoft Store marketplace, although they may still provide updates for existing app content, but only until the specified date of March 5, 2025.

In contrast to Microsoft’s decision to discontinue the feature of downloading and using Android apps via the Amazon Appstore on Windows 11, Google maintains its support for users to download and install Android apps on Chrome OS through the Google Play Store. Likewise, Apple allows devices equipped with Apple Silicon processors to download and install iOS platform apps.