5 Ways to Protect Against Ransomware

Ransomware damages exceeded $20 billion in 2020 and that number is expected to keep rising. The impact of ransomware is not only felt by the organizations and businesses that are directly affected but also by the people whose private data is stolen during these attacks. Very few companies can afford the millions of dollars in ransom demanded and once IT systems are hacked and data were stolen, it is too late to do anything about it but pay. It is therefore important that businesses put ransomware protection measures in place to protect themselves before they become victims. Below, we will review some of the best ways to protect against ransomware.

Teach People to Be Careful about Email

It is surprising to learn that most ransomware attacks start as phishing attacks. This is where a user clicks on a link or an element on an email thinking that it is a genuine link or element that can be trusted. Instead, these links and elements are used to send ransomware.

All emails should be screened for malicious links and everyone should be informed not to click on links or other elements inside emails. If anyone receives emails containing links or advertisements, they should contact an IT professional immediately.

Backup Everything, Everyday

Organizations must back up their data offsite at locations not directly connected to their primary storage servers. This way, if the data on the primary storage server is compromised, they can clean the server, ensure it is free of malware and restore their data.

Setting up backups is not enough as organizations need to know how to do it properly. This is so that the ransomware is not transferred from a desktop or other connected device to the backup server. To ensure proper offsite backups, you can get in touch with companies like Total IT that deal with these types of protections. Total IT’s managed IT services include data backup and recovery services that offer a reliable restore point in case of a ransomware attack or other disaster.

Install Firewalls

Choosing and installing a firewall for ransomware protection is an essential step in protecting your business and its data. However, it can be challenging to do so because there are so many firewall solutions on the market. Always do thorough research to know the level of protection you can expect from using a certain firewall.

Test Your Infrastructure

Sometimes, malicious actors will plant ransomware through a hack of your system’s infrastructure. It is, therefore, important that you carry out regular tests to find out if there are any vulnerabilities that malicious actors can take advantage of. Patch or repair any vulnerabilities you find for better protection.

Invest in Security Training

In many instances, your employees and those using your IT system are the weak links. This is because most people do not think about IT security as much as the experts do. To ensure they think about it and use best practices, invest in cybersecurity training. This will help your employees identify vulnerabilities, suspicious emails or network activity, and other dangerous behaviors that can pose a security risk.


Although it is challenging to protect yourself against ransomware, you can take concrete steps to reduce risk as much as possible. The tips above are a great place to start to ensure your IT infrastructure is better protected.