Youtuber uses chatGPT to generate Windows 95 key

Regarding the various topics on chatGPT, I am certain many have heard whispers of its capabilities. chatGPT, an abbreviation for Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is an artificial intelligence-powered natural language processing tool developed by OpenAI. The recent surge of fervent discussions online surrounding chatGPT is attributed to its remarkable prowess. For instance, chatGPT can engage in conversations by understanding and learning human language, interact with users based on the context of the dialogue, and even compose emails, academic papers, and even code. Presently, some enthusiasts have attempted to generate Windows 95 keys through chatGPT.

Enderman endeavored to prompt chatGPT to create an entirely new Windows 95 key. Initially, Enderman inquired if ChatGPT could generate a new Windows 95 key, to which chatGPT replied that it was unable to do so, recommending a purchase from a software vendor. Undeterred, Enderman elaborated that the generation of Windows 95 keys follows a specific algorithm, combining various numbers and letters in a known manner to create a 20-character code consisting of three random characters, a year string, the letters “OEM,” and so forth. The subsequent challenge was to convey this algorithm to ChatGPT, which, after a period of persistent effort, Enderman accomplished.

In the aftermath, Enderman expressed gratitude to chatGPT for generating the Windows 95 keys. However, it appeared ChatGPT did not fully comprehend its achievement, merely stating that it had not generated any Windows 95 keys.