YouTube Aloud tool allows content creators to transcribe video narration into diverse language

YouTube is currently piloting an Artificial Intelligence (AI) dubbing feature, christened “Aloud”, aimed at empowering content creators to effortlessly transcribe video narration into diverse languages.

While YouTube has integrated automatic translation to generate subtitles for various language content, having video narration in a language more familiar to the viewer certainly enhances the appeal. The Aloud feature, an innovation incubated by Google’s internal start-up unit, Area 120, employs AI to transcribe narration into various linguistic inflections in a matter of minutes.

The process commences with transcribing the original narration into text, followed by the translation. It then leverages generative AI technology to produce content in the corresponding language. This method not only accelerates the conversion of video content into different languages for creators but also curtails substantial translation and dubbing costs.

Content generated via this feature can still be edited and adjusted by creators, who can even choose to auto-generate content in different languages. However, at present, it only supports videos with English narration and can only auto-generate Spanish and Portuguese narration. More languages will be supported in the future.