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Windows Server Insider Preview 17046 Preview releases

A week ago, Microsoft released the Windows Server Insider Preview 17046 Preview update for Fast channel users; today the company again announces the Windows Server Insider preview Build 17046 coming online. This version of the update did not add any new features, users can click here to download.


Dynamic disk I / O for [new] STATUS_INVALID_DEVICE_REQUEST failed, preventing the ability to mount and format the disk. The new version will fix this problem in the future, so there is no need to reformat or recover from backup.

Unable to upgrade to pre-release version of Windows Server. However, in the future is to support the upgrade.

The Health Attestation CSP will display a 500 message error when trying to get certified.

Some scatter-gather list (SGL) functions may corrupt data on some NVM Express (NVMe) disks if they are active.

The base filtering engine (BFE) service may not start, preventing Windows Defender firewall (MpsSvc service) from starting.

System crashes due to a kernel security review error

The Hyper-V-separated container may fail to start up and the “The description string for parameter reference (% 1) could not be found. (0x3ab6)” error. Users can temporarily repair by creating / v TemplateVmCount / t REG_DWORD / d 0 in the registry path HKLM \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Virtualization \ Containers.

Although the installation will show success, the product key will still not be activated.