The details are as follows:
Start menu adjustment:
Acrylic component: If the transparent menu is turned on in the Start menu, the new acrylic design will be seen after the update;
Vertical adjustment: small problems at the bottom of the frame will disappear;
Horizontal adjustment: As with vertical adjustment, the frame will also be able to adjust in the horizontal direction;
Diagonal adjustment: the frame can be adjusted by diagonal expansion;
Adjustment Control: It is now easier to “grasp” the edges of the frame to make adjustments;
Flat mode switch: the experience of switching to flat mode becomes smoother
The new design of the event center: This part has been redesigned based on user feedback, which will provide clearer information separation and hierarchical structure. In addition, along with acrylic, the event center also incorporates the Fluent Design System element. Users can go to Settings – System – Notifications and Actions to set up.