Why Aptitude tests make all the difference in hiring the best talent?

The Aptitude assessment test for cognitive evaluation has a wide application in the organization. The test can be used for key profiles in an organization such as for experienced professionals, management personnel, and trainees and practically for everybody whose job role involves decision making and strategic thinking. Cognition or higher intellectual functioning is an important area of assessment in critical job roles as it is a measure of one’s intellectual competence. Many organizations are coming to use the cognitive tests to measure the intelligence level of their employees and employees to be.

Fields in which aptitude test is been conducted:

The  Aptitude tests assess both the fluid intelligence and crystal intelligence of the candidate. Fluid intelligence is the ability of an individual to perceive things and absorb new information for problem-solving. Crystal intelligence is the ability to retrieve and use information that has been acquired over a lifetime to perform certain tasks.

  1. Abstract reasoning:

Questions about abstract reasoning evaluate the fluid intelligence or the lateral thinking skills of the candidate. It assesses their ability to identify logical patterns and trends and formulate meaningful information to solve problems. Candidates with good abstract reasoning are good at creative problem solving and at yielding novel solutions to common problems. These candidates are also capable of integrating available data logically to arrive at decisions.

  1. Language and comprehension:

Prospective candidates who are good at verbal ability are most probably good at their expression of thoughts and ideas. They make proper use of words to define proper sentence structure and also have a good grasp of the English grammar. Such candidates are more likely to communicate in a clear and understanding tone in a business environment. The Aptitude test to assess language monitors the candidate’s ability to comprehend and analyze verbal and written information, assess their vocabulary, and their accuracy of expression along with their ability to draft error-free sentences.

  1. Logical and critical reasoning:

This Aptitude test is commonly used as a screening tool in the recruitment process. A candidate with good reasoning skills will most probably feature a consistent approach in deriving at solutions. The person will be good at structuring situations and problems and manipulate the facts to arrive at presumptive solutions. The candidate who excels in the test for logical and critical reasoning is most likely to have a strong thinking and understanding process. The key competencies that are measured in these tests are the analytical reasoning and logical reasoning abilities of the candidate

  1. Decision making and judgment:

The cognitive assessment tools and tests assess the problem-solving skills of the candidate in an automated manner and analyses their ability to draw at a pertinent conclusion. For candidates at the managerial level decision making is an important quality and thus needs to be measured beforehand. The reports of these tests can be kept as a reference for subsequent interview rounds for further analysis and discussions.

  1. Problem-solving:

Effective problem-solving skills have an important role in one’s career. Problem-solving is identified as the fundamental part of every job irrespective of the nature of the challenges in the job. Effective problem solving involves four main steps, namely identifying the problem in the first place, looking for suitable replacements for the problem, finalizing and evaluating the solutions, and executing the best fit solution for the problem. The aptitude assessment tests for problem-solving are structured in a way that will effectively test the ability of the candidate to identify and address a problem. The tests also measure the reasoning and numerical skills of the candidate along with their decision-making ability.

Benefits of conducting aptitude tests:

It is required to create a competent workforce in an organization. Assessment of aptitude or a competent workforce helps with the task. Creating a cognitive framework for each of the job types that exists is not possible at the practical front. Cognitive intelligence tests are thus crafted for job groups that demand the same cognitive abilities and have the same competency framework.

The Framework for job categorization takes into account three core competencies along with two factors that pertain to these core competencies. The three core competencies are,

  • Information processing: Processing of information is the proficiency of the person to carry out analytical, numerical, and critical reasoning tasks.
  • Decision making: This refers to the person’s ability to solve problems and make rational and prompt decisions at times of critical situations.
  • Solution generation: This quality refers to the ability of the person to think out of the box and make use of his abstract reasoning and creativity competencies.

It has been revealed that the correlation between the work performance of the candidate and their predicted cognitive intelligence is between 51% and 84%. Higher intelligence is an indication of success in a job and is measured based on performance evaluation, on how well they encounter a task on the job, ratings of performance by supervisors, and the position of the candidate on the job hierarchy. There are several aptitude assessment tools available online for organizations to make use of by simply registering. With the help of these tests, they can fine-tune their recruitment process and hire the most competent employers for their organization. The scores of the test depend on three parameters, namely the difficulty index, discrimination index, and the mean score.

The smart, intelligent, and the automated hiring system by conducting aptitude tests is gaining tremendous importance in the modern-day hiring strategy. It helps to embrace automation in the entire hiring strategy and helps in cutting down manual efforts in all steps of hiring


The online assessment tools integrate applicant management, online assessment, and structured online interviews into a single data-backed platform to ease the entire process of candidate recruitment. The structured and smart hiring philosophy relies on two core principles namely a structured recruitment process and precise talent measurements. Thus, this entire recruitment lifecycle that is based on the intelligent hiring platforms helps to save cost and time along with scrutinizing the best talents for the organization.