waymore: find even more links from the Wayback Machine


The idea behind waymore is to find even more links from the Wayback Machine than other existing tools.

👉 The biggest difference between waymore and other tools is that it can also download the archived responses for URLs on the wayback machine so that you can then search these for even more links, developer comments, extra parameters, etc., etc.

Anyone who does bug bounty will have likely used the amazing waybackurls by @TomNomNoms. This tool gets URLs from web.archive.org and additional links (if any) from one of the index collections on index.commoncrawl.org. You would have also likely used the amazing gau by @hacker_ which also finds URL’s from wayback archive, Common Crawl, but also from Alien Vault and URLScan. Now waymore gets URL’s from ALL of those sources too (with the ability to filter more to get what you want):

  • Wayback Machine (web.archive.org)
  • Common Crawl (index.commoncrawl.org)
  • Alien Vault OTX (otx.alienvault.com)
  • URLScan (urlscan.io)

👉 It’s a point that many seem to miss, so I’ll just add it again 🙂 … The biggest difference between waymore and other tools is that it can also download the archived responses for URLs on the wayback machine so that you can then search these for even more links, developer comments, extra parameters, etc., etc.

Wayback Machine

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