W3C promotes the Web Audio API to an official standard

Recently, the W3C promoted the Web Audio API to an official standard. As a JavaScript API, the Web Audio API can be used to directly create and manipulate audio content in a web browser.

Web Audio API focuses on audio creation and manipulation, not just audio playback. It provides a rich set of modular components that web and application developers can combine to create a wide range of applications, including auditory feedback in the user interface, musical instruments, audio tracks and effects for entertainment and games, teaching, AR And VR spatial audio, online audio editing applications, fade-in, fade-out and compression of on-board music management, as well as audio analysis and visualization.
Web Audio API standard
With the standardization of the API, the Web Audio API will become a reliable, built-in feature widely deployed in browsers, and developers do not need to install plug-ins or download separate applications.
The design intent of the Web Audio API is also to support collaboration and multi-user environments, so it is naturally suitable for the online creation of collaborative and interactive artworks. Under certain circumstances, users can even actively interact with artists instead of just passively sitting in front of the screen as an audience.
Web Audio API supports modular routing, high dynamic range, supports filters and various effects, supports audio sources from audio and video media element tags, WebRTC integration, spatial audio support, convolution engine, and other rich functions.
The Web Audio API has reached the W3C recommendation status as an official standard, W3C also confirmed that Web Audio API v2 is already under development, which will build and enrich the first version of the API, adding more and more complex features, these features It has not been developed yet and cannot be included in the first version of the API