Turnkey GNU/Linux v16.0 released

Turnkey GNU/Linux is a free Debian based library of system images that pre-integrates and polishes the best free software components into secure, easy to use solutions.

TurnKey is inspired by a belief in the democratizing power of free software, like science, to promote the progress of a free & humane society. Without the freedom to freely distribute, tinker and learn from free software the Internet as we know it would not exist. Free software is the silent, often invisible power behind the greatest technological marvel of our era.

At the time of writing Debian, the largest GNU/Linux distribution has over 37,500 packages in its software repositories. The free software movement has collectively created a treasure trove of software that anyone is free to use, distribute, modify and learn from.

Turnkey GNU/Linux

Jeremy Davis has announced TurnKey Linux 16.0, a new version of the upcoming virtual appliance designed for highly specialized servers.

Most of the significant changes in v16.x have occurred under the hood. As noted in the release candidate announcement the main changes have generally been at the software level, although much of the work will likely not be immediately obvious to an end user. In some instances, we have moved from our own forks of software (e.g. Casper for live ISO functionality) to Debian defaults (‘live-boot’ & ‘live-tools’). In other instances, our custom software has been ported to a newer version of the language. Most of our custom software written in Python (e.g. Confconsole, Inithooks, DI-live and assorted libraries) has been ported from Python2 to Python3. This will make our custom software easier to maintain, easier to bugfix and hopefully easier for user to contribute back to (if they wish). It may also make it more attractive to other developers who may be interested in using it for their own custom purposes…

The updated appliances are now based on Debian 10/Buster and upstream software has been refreshed (where relevant). There have also been a myriad of bug fixes applied and feature requests implemented. You can view the full changes that apply to all v16.x appliances (both these and the upcoming batches) via the Core v16.0 changelog. Many of the appliances also include the changes noted in the LAMP v16.0 changelog. Each appliance has it’s own changelog noting explict changes releavant to that particular appliance (common changes are only noted in the Core changelog – otherwise each appliance notes changes relevant to it). Note that each appliances latest changelog should be available via a link on the relevant appliance page.
