The Ultimate Guide For Business Owners To Understand Call Tracking

Your customers are calling your number to do business with you. They got your number from somewhere but you have no idea from where your number was found. You are running several billboard campaigns and other marketing campaigns. Using call tracking services from Dial800, you can monitor conversion data for your digital and direct response marketing campaigns.

Call tracking services can help you figure out which one of your marketing campaigns is the most successful. Phone call tracking sounds like a complicated process but it doesn’t have to be. With a little bit of hard work and the right tools, call tracking can help you implement a successful marketing campaign. Gauging the efficiency of each marketing strategy is a requirement if you want to run a successful marketing campaign. 

What Is Call Tracking?

Every business has a phone number on which they receive calls from potential customers. Let’s look at the data, for the sake of business owners that are apprehensive of securing clients over the phone. According to statistics, phone calls are the main lead source for 65% of the Fortune 500 companies. Out of these phone calls, 61% of these phone calls occurred from the results of a search performed on a mobile device on a local search engine. 

Call tracking provides information about the source where the caller got your number from. This means that you will have information about the source of each call whether it was a marketing billboard, online ad, pay-per-click campaign, or your website. The information about the source of each call can help you generate a productive marketing campaign. The difference will be that this time, your marketing campaign will be based on actual results and the effectiveness of each marketing strategy. 

Why Is Call Tracking Important For My Business?

Businesses often have a robust analytics system to measure the traffic generated by their website. Although all of that data is important, it does not take into account the number of customers that pick up the phone and call your business. All of these calls that your business receives are potential leads that your business can convert into a sale. 

With the information from call tracking, you can decide to remove a billboard that is costing your business a lot but not providing any hot leads. Sometimes we believe that running a certain campaign will help the business achieve higher sales. Call tracking software can prove your gut instinct wrong. With the information from call tracking, you can decide to discontinue an ineffective marketing campaign. 

Another advantage of call tracking is that your business can get a better return on investment on advertising. Advertising will always be expensive but it might not always be effective. With the help of information from call tracking software, you can determine whether an advertising campaign is costing you more than it should. Call tracking software also gives you information about which landing pages are most effectively resulting in calls from potential customers. 

All of these factors combined mean that call tracking can help your business make decisions based on actual results to produce better results.