The Impact of Edge Computing on Modern Businesses: Harnessing Real-time Data for Competitive Advantage

This article was developed via a partnership with BetterHelp

New technology is ever-changing. Every day seems to bring a new advancement or way to solve a problem that was seemingly unsolvable in the past.

As demand increases for the Internet and services that run on the Internet using cloud computing, a new era of edge computing offers a way to process data more quickly and efficiently for modern business.

Edge computing holds potential for a wide range of industries, from financial institutions and banking to healthcare, fitness, and online therapy platforms, and even e-commerce and brick-and-mortar retail outlets.

What Is Edge Computing?

Edge computing is a method of distributed computing used to help people process data at faster speeds and higher efficiencies. The benefits of Edge computing are accomplished by moving data processors closer to where the data is generated from and using AI to better manage data.

Through Edge computing, data can be processed in real-time, even in remote locations where there would normally be a higher degree of latency.

How Is Edge Computing Different From Cloud Computing?

Edge computing is used for data that is time sensitive and needs to be processed quickly. Cloud computing is typically used for data that isn’t timely. Cloud computing is considered complementary to edge computing, not a replacement for it.

What Kinds Of Devices Can Be Used In Edge Computing

A wide number of edge devices have been successfully used in edge computing applications, some devices you may already be using or wearing. Smart speakers and smartwatches can act as edge devices that collect local data, like when your smartwatch is measuring your steps.

POS (Point of Sale) systems, IoT devices (Internet of Things), vehicles and robots, have all been used in edge computing.

Potential Benefits Of Edge Computing For Businesses

  • Speeds up data processing
  • Reduce stress on overloaded business networks
  • Lower IT costs by lessening possible damage to equipment
  • Help existing infrastructure and equipment to run more efficiently
  • Increase security by increasing the amount of local data transfer and lessening the amount of data transferred
  • Enhanced productivity through AI and predictive modeling, which allows employees to work more efficiently

How Edge Computing Can Benefit Your Business

Edge computing works by lessening the quantity of data being transferred and decreasing the distances that data needs to travel. There are many practical benefits to businesses, and those potential benefits increase every day as AI becomes more and more advanced.

Explore what edge computing can do for your business today.