Tell-tale signs it’s time to upgrade your office network

IT and technology have completely transformed the way the world does business over the past 30-or-so years. From emails to spreadsheets, messaging to video conferencing, computers have revolutionized every aspect of the working day bringing previously unimaginable levels of connectivity and productivity.

These days, it’s almost impossible to imagine the business world without IT. Whether you’re a Small to Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) or a global multinational, at some point in your processes, your company will rely on computers and, most likely, some form of internal network. 

However, computers and technology move at a fearsome rate and, if your network is more than five years old, it’s quite likely your tech will already be showing the signs of aging. Also – and perhaps more importantly – it also won’t be taking advantage of the vast range of improvements seen over the past few years. Here are just a few signs that it might be time to consider a network upgrade. 

You frequently find you run out of storage 

If you find you frequently struggle to find space to store files, it’s a sure sign your network hardware needs an upgrade. Options include extending memory in your hardware, using portable data devices or moving to wireless, cloud-based data storage

As a general rule, cloud-based storage offers the greatest security and scalability, allowing you to lease more space as and when you need it. It is also considerably more secure as almost all cloud data storage solutions come with security and back-up procedures as standard. 

Your network struggled to cope with coronavirus and home-working

If you found your network experienced problems through coronavirus, it’s likely it simply wasn’t built to accommodate remote-working. Isolation and lockdown forced the majority of companies to move to home-working as standard, however, many employees found their existing company network simply wasn’t up to the task. Common issues included snail-like connection speeds, frequent drop-outs, storage issues and mysteriously ‘lost’ files. 

There are very few positives to be taken from the coronavirus but, if you found your network struggled to cope, at least use the virus as a wake-up call that you need to upgrade your internal – and external – operations. 

You’re expanding or taking on more staff

IT networks aren’t designed to be one-size-fits-all and, as your company grows and evolves, your network should do likewise. If you find you’re taking on more staff or business is increasing, your network will likely need upgrading to cope with the amplified demands placed on it. Also, as your company grows, it’s quite likely the range of services you offer will increase and diversify, putting added pressure on your IT network. 

Consider speaking to an IT specialist company like HLB System Solutions, which will take the time to sit down with you, identify problem areas and offer scalable solutions to help your network grow with you. 

You find apps perform slowly or malfunction frequently

Even a network designed just five years ago will struggle to accommodate the vast range of business apps common in the workplace today. Previously, networks were built around the idea of fixed-location employees but, as the world has moved increasingly to mobile devices, so apps have become an integral part of our working day.

Common problems include a slowing of app functions, more frequent crashes, lost data or even damage to the apps themselves. 

There are many reasons why businesses need to keep their IT network current and up to date, however, if you suffer any of the issues listed above, it’s very probable you should consider a network upgrade or revamp as soon as possible.