Tagged: Rust


Rust Community Prioritizes Performance Over New Features

In a recent survey on the state of the Rust programming language conducted among developers, a preference emerged to refrain from adding new features to the language, at least in the near term. Participants...

Fuchsia support AMD

Fuchsia OS uses Rust to write code extensively

Google recently officially launched Fuchsia OS to the public, and the device that received Fuchsia 1.0 push was the first-generation Nest Hub. Unlike operating systems such as Chrome OS and Android based on the...

Linus Torvalds

Linus revealed that Linux Kernel 5.14 maybe support Rust

According to the ITWire report, in an interview with Linus Torvalds, regarding the Linux kernel’s support for Rust, Linus responded that the Linux kernel does not yet support Rust and added that “getting to...


Apple is porting C code to Rust

Microsoft announced last year that they would use Rust instead of C, C ++, and other languages ​​in security-related modules to improve the security of their applications and explain why they believe that Rust...