Steam Deck production increased more than expected

Steam Deck went on sale in December last year, but encountered a global supply chain shortage, user who has ordered must wait for a long time to receive the machine. However, Valve recently stated that the production of Steam Deck had increased more than expected, and many players could get the device earlier.

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Valve stated in the latest announcement on their official website. Due to the increase in Steam Deck’s production capacity, they were able to deliver orders that would have been shipped in Q4 this year, one quarter in advance to Q3, and the relevant buyers will receive a notification email of delivery at the end of September. This isn’t the first time Valve has shipped earlier, and at the end of July, they told buyers that as supply chain shortages began to disappear, Steam Deck ramped up production, allowing later orders to be shipped earlier.

Earlier this month, Valve also announced that Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong can pre-order Steam Deck through Komodo, which also appears to benefit from an expected increase in production going forward. Valve says that Steam Deck pre-orders are increasing every day and are now at their highest since launch, but they haven’t released a rough sales figure.