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Spring Vault 1.1.0 GA and 2.0.0 M3 released

Spring Vault 1.1.0 and Spring Vault 2.0 third milestone has been released.
Spring Vault 1.1 GA Noteworthy update:
  • Pull-mode support for AppRole authentication.
  • Vault login using via AWS IAM.
  • Support of batch transit operations.
  • Rotation of generic secrets based on their lease duration.
  • Introduction of VaultEndpointProvider to configure endpoints dynamically.

Spring Vault 2.0 M3Have the following improvements:

  • Vault repositories via @EnableVaultRepositories built on top of Spring Data KeyValue.
  • Support to create and modify Vault’s policies represented as JSON.
For a complete list of changes, see Update Logs for 1.1.0 and 2.0.0 M3.
