At the recent GDC 2022, Sony showed off its upcoming PlayStation VR2 (PS VR2) headset to game developers.
Game designer
Chet Faliszek said after experiencing the device, “You know where the world just feels different when you return?” Sony previously announced the appearance of the PlayStation VR2 but did not provide a specific release date.

Chet Faliszek is a screenwriter for the Half-Life, Portal, and Left 4 Dead series. He has considerable experience in game design. During his tenure at Valve, he also worked with external development departments on marketing campaigns for the original HTC Vive and SteamVR platforms. After leaving Valve, Chet Faliszek joined Dutch studio Vertigo Games to support the development of VR games such as Arizona Sunshine and After The Fall.
In fact, in addition to Chet Faliszek, the other participating game designers were full of praise for the PlayStation VR2, and the feedback seems to have been quite positive. Sony is currently working on PlayStation VR2 in an orderly manner, having previously announced Horizon VR: Call of the Mountain, the first PlayStation VR2 exclusive co-developed by Guerrilla Games and Firesprite.
PlayStation VR2 uses a single-eye 2000×2040 resolution OLED screen with a refresh rate of 90/120Hz, providing 4K HDR and a 110-degree field of view for a high-quality visual experience.
PlayStation VR2 Sense technology combines eye tracking, headset feedback, 3D audio, and the PlayStation VR2 Sense controller to create a deep sense of immersion. In addition, Tempest 3D AudioTech with PlayStation 5 can also make the sound around the player more realistic, bringing a unique gaming experience.