smbclient-ng: A fast and user friendly way to interact with SMB shares


A fast and user-friendly way to interact with SMB shares.


  •  bat: Pretty prints the contents of a file. Syntax: bat <file>
  •  cat: Get the contents of a file. Syntax: cat <file>
  •  cd: Change the current working directory. Syntax: cd <directory>
  •  close: Closes the SMB connection to the remote machine. Syntax: close
  •  connect: Connect to the remote machine (useful if connection timed out). Syntax: connect
  •  dir: List the contents of the current working directory. Syntax: dir
  •  exit: Exits the smbclient-ng script. Syntax: exit
  •  get: Get a remote file. Syntax: get [-r] <directory or file>
  •  help: Displays this help message. Syntax: help
  •  info: Get information about the server and or the share. Syntax: info [server|share]
  •  lbat: Pretty prints the contents of a local file. Syntax: lbat <file>
  •  lcat: Print the contents of a local file. Syntax: lcat <file>
  •  lcd: Changes the current local directory. Syntax: lcd <directory>
  •  lcp: Create a copy of a local file. Syntax: lcp <srcfile> <dstfile>
  •  lls: Lists the contents of the current local directory. Syntax: lls
  •  lmkdir: Creates a new local directory. Syntax: lmkdir <directory>
  •  lpwd: Shows the current local directory. Syntax: lpwd
  •  lrename: Renames a local file. Syntax: lrename <oldfilename> <newfilename>
  •  lrm: Removes a local file. Syntax: lrm <file>
  •  lrmdir: Removes a local directory. Syntax: lrmdir <directory>
  •  ls: List the contents of the current remote working directory. Syntax: ls
  •  ltree: Displays a tree view of the local directories. Syntax: ltree [directory]
  •  mkdir: Creates a new remote directory. Syntax: mkdir <directory>
  •  module: Loads a specific module for additional functionalities. Syntax: module <name>
  •  mount: Creates a mount point of the remote share on the local machine. Syntax: mount <remote_path> <local_mountpoint>
  •  put: Put a local file or directory in a remote directory. Syntax: put [-r] <directory or file>
  •  reconnect: Reconnect to the remote machine (useful if connection timed out). Syntax: reconnect
  •  reset: Reset the TTY output, useful if it was broken after printing a binary file on stdout. Syntax: reset
  •  rm: Removes a remote file. Syntax: rm <file>
  •  rmdir: Removes a remote directory. Syntax: rmdir <directory>
  •  sessions: Manage the SMB sessions. Syntax: sessions [interact|create|delete|execute|list]
  •  shares: Lists the SMB shares served by the remote machine. Syntax: shares
  •  sizeof: Recursively compute the size of a folder. Syntax: sizeof [directory|file]
  •  tree: Displays a tree view of the remote directories. Syntax: tree [directory]
  •  umount: Removes a mount point of the remote share on the local machine. Syntax: umount <local_mount_point>
  •  use: Use a SMB share. Syntax: use <sharename>

Install & Use