sicat: an advanced exploit search tool

SiCat – The useful exploit finder

SiCat is an advanced exploit search tool designed to identify and gather information about exploits from both open sources and local repositories effectively. With a focus on cybersecurity, SiCat allows users to quickly search online, finding potential vulnerabilities and relevant exploits for ongoing projects or systems.

SiCat’s main strength lies in its ability to traverse both online and local resources to collect information about relevant exploitations. This tool aids cybersecurity professionals and researchers in understanding potential security risks, providing valuable insights to enhance system security.

SiCat Resources


git clone
cd sicat
pip install -r requirements.txt



From keyword

python -k telerik –exploitdb –msfmodule

From nmap output

nmap –open -sV localhost -oX nmap_out.xml
python -nm nmap_out.xml –packetstorm
Copyright (c) 2024 Justakazh (Akas Wisnu Aji)